Conceivably the most popular liquid facelift San Diego has to offer is right here at Laser Cliniqúe; it provides the same visual impact that a surgical facelift would offer — with virtually none of the downtime!
Wrinkle Filler
In some areas, such as your nasolabial folds — those sunken lines that go from your nose to the corners of your mouth — you need more than a wrinkle stopper, you need a wrinkle filler. That is exactly what products like Juvederm Injectable Gel, Restylane, Radiesse and Sculptra Aesthetic are designed for.
These dermal fillers and volumizers restore lost volume to your face, giving you back the appearance of youth again. P. Alexander Ataii M.D. expertly injects dermal fillers via an ultra fine needle.
Your liquid facelift in San Diego is not only quick, it is also easy. The whole process will generally take less than an hour, and you can expect only mild swelling or redness and very minimal downtime, if any. If you are interested in taking years off your face without resorting to surgery, call our office to set up a consultation for a liquid facelift today!