Acne is a common problem that affects both teenagers and adults. A variety of factors are involved in the development of acne, including the abnormal shedding of dead skin cells, an overproduction of oil and the presence of acne-causing bacteria on the skin. If you have tried other acne treatments in the past and have experienced minimal success, you may want to consider receiving Blu-U Light Treatments at our Medspa in San Diego.
What can I expect with Blu-U Light?
You can expect to see a significant improvement in your skin and a reduction of acne breakouts within a few treatment sessions. It is recommended that you receive monthly maintenance treatments to ensure that your skin stays clear. The procedure is painless and the light source only reaches the sebaceous glands and will not harm the surrounding skin.
P. Alexander Ataii M.D is an esteemed skin care specialist who specializes in diagnostic and cosmetic treatments. During your initial consultation, he will assess your skin and address any questions or concerns you may have about acne or Blu-U Light Treatments. Schedule a consultation today at Laser Cliniqúe and begin the path to having skin that is consistently clear and free of acne.